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Slash Commands

JuniperBot Slash Commands Documentation

Enable Slash Commands#

Custom Slash Commands are disabled by default, you can enable them in Common section of your server's dashboard.


JuniperBot supports few languages for interface (responses language) and command names. You can configure them at your server's dashboard in Common section.

Slash Commands language depends on the language of your device, but bot responses depends on interface language selected at your server's dashboard in Common selection.


Interface language depends on your server primary language in case if Community is enabled on your server. If it is not, English will be selected as default.

Languages can be configured in server's dashboard in Common section.


  1. 200 slash commands creates per day.

    For example, if you turn the command on and off continiously, sooner or later you will reach the limit on your server and the bot will be unable to add new slash commands until the next day.

    Expiration date of this limit can be found in help command

  2. Slash Commands Permissions aren't synced automatically.

    Commands permissions by roles and channels must be configured in both bot dashboard and Discord Integrations settings of Discord server itself since they aren't synced automatically.

    Bot always takes into the account dashboard settings, but the command availability in Discord is driven by Integration settings, so you have to set up both correspondingly.

Command List#

List of all the commands is available on our Website.

Custom Commands#

The specifics of using slash commands in custom commands are described in the corresponding section.